Tuesday, December 27, 2011

3 Tips Muscle Building

If you looked at a photo of your ancestors from 10,000 years ago, what do you think you would see? Some frumpy skinny gentlemansitting in front of his fire all day, sending smoke signals to other tribes (First Facebook). Or would you see a lean and mean hunter equipped with a spear and a six-pack ready at a moments notice to defend his tribe? I'd deposit my money on the later.

We've come a long way since then, but the one thing that's changed the most is the food we eat. You think that this hunter (let's call him Greg) had creatine, BCAA's or steroid pills to pop? Hell no. He had to build his strength and muscles the old-fashioned way. Hunting down buffalo, carrying big logs for fire, and building his house with his bare hands. He had big muscles because he needed them. How else would he face down a mountain lion who was looking to Greg's kids for dinner. How do I know this? If Greg hadn't made sure his family survived, you wouldn't be meeting here reading this article.

But Greg also cheated. He was equipped with wisdom to know which plants and herbs in theWooded area would help him. Some plant poisonous, whilst others would heal. He maybealso knew which plants would help him grow strong. Herbs like Ginger and Chamomile would help him go to sleep and recover, and he would use Echinacea and Goldenseal for wounds. Without a broad range of knowledge of herbs and plants, it would have been very difficult for Greg to make it.

Greg also drink a lot of water.

So What Does This Mean For You

Model Greatness. If you want to look like Greg, eat and do what Greg does. If you want to look like everyone else, okayyou get the idea.

So what did Greg eat?


This means cut out that diluted crap you call a protein shake and eat something real. You have the same genes as Greg, so why would your eat something that your genes are not adapted to digest? Go get yourself a solid piece of meat, a steak, some eggs, or fish. But be carefully. If you are in the US like me, you can't be too sure where your food comes from. (If you would like to know, I recommend the movie Food Inc.) Make sure you eat grass fed meat, wild salmon, and cage-free eggs.


It's not the most flashy or fun technique for building muscle, but it's definitely the  useful. Sadly, not many people get their full 8 hours. Here's what I do: Set an alarm to go to sleep. It's counter-intuitive but I find this works a lot better than setting an alarm to wake up. If you only have an alarm for the morning, then you will wake up even if you've slept 3 hours. But if you set an alarm to go to sleep, it prevents you from staying up too late. So do it NOW. Set an alarm to go to sleep.


If you don't drink sufficient water, you will die. Not only that, but it will keep your body from building the muscle you've worked so hard to grow. when you that should be enough information for this step. When you're at your desk, take out a post it note. Write one word: "Thirsty?" And post it somewhere you can see it often. This tip lonesome can get you to drank a couple of extra cups a day.

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